I think about the cover, title, and topic.

I read the back cover and the print on the inside jacket.

I ask questions.

I predict.

I skim the pictures, charts, and graphs.

I read headings and words in bold-faced type.

I think about what I know about the topic.


I stop and check to see if I understand what I’m reading.

I make mental pictures,

I identify confusing parts.

I identify unfamiliar words.

I record an unfamiliar word that I can’t figure out.

I use pictures, graphs, and charts to help me understand confusing parts.

I stop and retell to check what I remember.

I reread to remember more details.

I read the captions under and above photographs, charts, graphs, etc.

I predict and adjust as I read.

I raise questions and read for answers.


I think about why I liked what I read.

I retell the part I just read.

I speak, draw, and/or write reactions.

I reread favorite parts.

I reread to find details.

I picture characters, places, and ideas.

I predict what might happen to a character if the story continued.