Letter to Parents


Letter to Parents
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Reading & Language Arts - Team Thunder


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to 7th grade! We hope we can help make this transition from 6th to 7th grade go smoothly for you.  The district continues to make reading, writing and math a top priority in all areas of the curriculum.  To do this, Team Thunder will be focusing on learning these skills with additional emphasis on applying these ideas in science and social studies.  Many of you many find your student in an additional reading class, math class, or both to help them increase their abilities in these areas.  These changes are designed to give or build on the skills your students need to succeed.

 Your child will record other important dates in their planner as the information becomes available.  Please review your child’s planner daily if possible.  It can be an easy form of communication between us and a great organizational tool for your student.

Students should have a binder with dividers to keep their papers organized. We hope each student will bring a box of tissues so we will have a ready supply for the upcoming cold season.

We invite you to contact us by email or phone should you have any questions about what is happening in the classroom.  In addition, if you would like to discuss your goals for your child, we would enjoy hearing from you.  Please let us know if you have any concerns or problem areas you may have regarding your child.  Working together, we can give your student the opportunity to do his or her best!

Thank you,

Mrs. Lori Blackburn
Room 702

Team Thunder -

Pat Robinson - Math       

Dia Fischer - Reading & Language Arts   

Beth Greene - Science


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This site was last updated 09/11/07